
“Stacey Bevill is a remarkable book coach and editor. Her attention to detail is second to none, and her ability to meet even the most demanding deadlines is the best I have ever seen. It is an honor to work with her. She makes it look easy and the whole experience on this project already has me looking forward to the next one.”

Dennis Welch, President
Articulāte PR and Communications


“Working with Stacey was a wonderful mindfulness bell for me to go back to the basics – to remember to trust myself and to trust the process of developing my business. She asked powerful questions and empowered me to create my business from a place of greater alignment and integrity. She is a wealth of knowledge and resources and enables you to tap into your embodied strength and wisdom.”

CoachAid Coachee
CoachAid20.com was a global initiative with over 350 coaches volunteering
24/7 for two weeks to help those struggling with the transition to working at Hom

“I took the HeartMath workshop with Stacey Bevill in November of 2019. I find myself using these tools frequently. My favorite two are the Heart Focused Breathing and Inner Ease. I use these techniques multiple times a day; they help me create a positive focus and start to my day, they help me drift to sleep at night and they help me shift my state of mind when I need to re-set my mood/temperament. I love that the techniques are so easy to do and can be done anywhere, anytime. You can even do it while dealing with a tense situation. Heartmath has definitely changed my life and the way I am able to handle things for the better. I would encourage everyone to take this course.”

Gift Shop Owner

“Attending a HeartMath experience with Stacey Bevill is life-changing.  There are so many tools you will learn to build your personal resilience.  The course I attended helped me explore life situations that were draining my inner battery and prepared me to walk away with an action plan to stop the drain and recharge.  Do you want to experience a way to make the best decisions possible?  The Freeze-Frame technique works wonderfully.  In my work, I need to communicate my message efficiently and effectively.  Becoming aware of the barriers I was bringing to the conversation and practicing coherent communication techniques has improved my dialogues 100%.  Do not miss your opportunity to examine the tools in the toolbox and to become aware of all the possibilities that exist for you to live a joyful, abundant life.

*Update: The communications section has really helped in my new engagements now that I am talking with homeless people and boots on the ground with Speak For Animals.”

Community Engagement Educator

“Thanks, HeartMath Skills Builder,

My life has always been filled with a variety of stressful situations, and current events are no different. I was recently appointed Chair of The Planning Board for our small town. There were fears from others in authority, and resulting questioning of actions I was taking. After honestly talking about issues with the board using the techniques I learned, I ended up receiving words of appreciation!  There was a final word though—to not overstep my bounds.😉 I know I will need the skills I learned again and again.

Using the HeartMath techniques you patiently and comprehensively taught, I am better prepared, do better during discussions, and let stress go more quickly!

I have found HeartMath helpful in personal, one-on-one relationships as well. For most of my life, I have been a Pastoral Counselor and have needed to have ways to deal with my stress and that of others. These new tools are a wonderful help!

I just had to say “Thank You,” and am already telling others about HeartMath.”

Rev. Dr. Donald Washburn
Retired Senior Pastor
Doctorate in Pastoral Psychology

“I’ve always had a hard time finding a way to hit a pause button that allowed me to stop, slow down, and take a deeper look at a situation before reacting.  HeartMath has helped me to breathe and be more in control of my emotions and the outcomes that occur.”

Entrepreneur and Coach

I asked clients and peers to reflect on a time when they observed me at my best in coaching and workshops.

Here are the responses:

“You are at your best when you are helping others.” -TC

“A time you were at your best? In my experience, just about every encounter we have had. Of course, I appreciate your excellent professionalism, but what I love best is your genuine enthusiasm and excitement for what I am doing. You care about your clients’ success.”

“You always project the best of yourself, so it’s a bit of a challenge to find just one moment. You shine with people and make each feel they are the most important person. You always, generously offer your gifts, going out of your way to support. In group settings you naturally lead, by example.  You listen, acknowledge but don’t hold back with your perspective.  This is perhaps when I have seen you at your best. Large, community volunteer meetings can be overwhelming, but you always step in graciously and with confidence.” -LF

“I found Stacey Bevill’s personal tools of openness and persistence lead her to be a great problem solver. She feels much joy in finding a path and creating a solution. Stacey then teaches you in turn how to navigate that path.” -CY

“I remember your smile and the glow in your face when I was invited to tour your new place. You were so proud to show me around, and proud of your accomplishments getting closer to coaching graduation. Your welcoming was pleasant and uplifting.”  -DK

“I have had the wonderful opportunity to get to know Stacey over the past years. Recently during one of our conversations, we discussed ways to cope with the stresses of juggling life, work, etc. Stacey was so helpful in sharing her insight and wisdom on this topic. She is truly an inspiration with all she has accomplished. Her passion and enthusiasm in helping folks are contagious!! I love that about her She will shine in all that she does.”  -BS

“Every coaching session we have had this summer, you were on mark with feedback and suggestions, staying focused and engaged even though you were running on a really tight schedule with all you wanted to accomplish 🌺🌸🌺”  -DD

“Learning laughter yoga and participating in the activities the training called for.” – PW (I am a certified Laughter Yoga Leader)


Workshops and Presentations


“Stacey Bevill is a “Rock Star!” When it comes to coaching and helping businesses and individuals develop and communicate their goals and messages, Stacey Bevill is the go-to person. She is a thoughtful, knowledgeable and caring individual with the desire, compassion, and ability to help others. Over the past two years, Stacey has helped me personally and provided guidance and inspiration to over 25 businesses in the Spartanburg Start:ME entrepreneur program. For Coaching and for Business Improvement I highly recommend Stacey Bevill.”
Frank Rudisill, Ph.D.
Professor of Management, Johnson College of Business and Economics, USC Upstate

“I became acquainted with Stacey Bevill upon the acquisition of Golden Career Strategies in April 2016. Stacey is an amazingly knowledgeable, prepared, and engaging presenter. When she speaks to our Executive Roundtable she is prepared not only on the topic, but also to engage each of our attendees and assist them in internalizing the material. When Stacey is scheduled to speak our attendance increases. We plan to explore many topics in the future with Stacey.”
Steve Olson
Owner, Golden Career Strategies

“This workshop was unbelievably good.  What I really liked was Stacey’s positive energy.  You not only get a vision board, but clarity about what you are being, doing and having.   Using her brilliant coaching background, we explored strategies (Positive and Negative Emotional Attractors, their relationship to the Sympathetic and Parasympathetic Nervous Systems, meditation, grounding and intent) that tie in with feelings of negativity and fear, or focus on one’s strengths and the excitement of experimenting with something new.  If you want to experiment with something new, don’t miss the next workshop.  It was well worth the time and energy put into it.” -IN

“Stacey Bevill has presented twice to the Golden Career Strategies Round Table (when Rich facilitated the meeting). Her presentations were well prepared and focused on the attendees to help their listening and communications skills while in their job transition. She blended her coaching and marketing expertise to give a strong tutorial on the subject. Her personality came through making the session uplifting and inspiring. I believe she can be an asset to companies looking to improve their internal and external “Effective Communications”.”
Rich Witowski, CPC
Golden Career Strategies

“The marketing presentation you gave to the first group of Entrepreneurs (class of 2017) participating in the Spartanburg SC Northside StartME program was outstanding! Very professionally done.” -DD

“Stacey’s vision board workshop was the first I had ever attended, and I thoroughly enjoyed every aspect- the warm atmosphere, the positive energy, and a fantastic instructor that offered a space for myself and the rest of the group to open our minds and engage.  I learned a great deal about grounding myself, clearing my mind and welcoming positive energy to my life.  My vision board is in an open place in my home, and it gives me great strength regularly.  I would have never learned so much about myself and how to fill myself with such positive energy without this workshop. Thank you so much for the experience!” -TG


“Sitting across from you, engaged in conversation, I realize you are very much aware, with your focus and attention solely on me. You always take time to listen with a wise, discerning ear. A bubbly, contagious joy abounds, defining your similar unquenchable spirit. Positive outlook exudes from within. You possess a rare and special sixth sense, known as “other” centeredness. Naturally intuitive, unbiased and empathetic. You appear unrushed. Not hurried. Genuinely caring, you express concern for how I am doing and feeling? We are two sojourners, traveling this day, and this season really, along this unchartered path toward neurological discovery. Navigating together the depths and resources of the brain, it’s strong connection to the body, with the never ending hope of finding a quicker route to improved health and wellness. As a knowledgeable and interested companion, you are happy to see me, and are pleased to have me stay for a while.  Greeting me with a cheerful, “Welcome” and “Come in.” Asking if I would like something warm to drink? Inquiring if I am comfortable? Offering the invaluable assets of time, experience, and another resilient woman’s perspective. “To be seen and heard” are what our souls long for, yet sadly money can’t seem to buy. The true gifts of friendship are being present; asking probing questions; not demanding immediate answers; constancy; courage; acceptance; abiding presence; hearing what I have to say; listening to my highest hopes and, at times, my rather unattainable dreams, and not scoffing; being willing to laugh and cry with me; relating on a deeper level; walking beside me in this incredible journey. Imagining, discussing, celebrating new insight and added perspective. Our time together proves beneficial. It doubles the joy, and contributes twice the necessary compassion. Just the right amount, I find, to wash away the initial sting of unkind words, apply a soothing balm onto fresh wounds and, hopefully once and for all, heal old hurts. Tears can fall freely down your cheeks, as your spirit meets and finds mine.  Usually shed in silent affirmation, the tears symbolize unspoken words, demonstrate quiet, heartfelt agreement, and show me that in thought, attitude and action (with all that you are; in mind, body and spirit), you are cheering me on to victory.” -CL